The Hitchers of Oz
Tom & Simon Sykes
World famous actor Sam Neill and rap legend Chuck D rub shoulders with writers like JP Donleavy and Carmel Bird. Physicists, business leaders, publishers, political activists, soldiers, poets, athletes and comic book creators are brought together by their common experience of hitching a ride sometime in the past.
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No Such Thing As A Free Ride?
Tom & Simon Sykes
Travel anthology (Cassell, 2005) ISBN: 1844033821
Observer Travel Book of the Month
Serialized in the London Times
Since the '60s and '70s - the heyday of hitching - people have thumbed rides worldwide. Money never changes hands, but all manner of social transactions take place. These tales will open your eyes and take you back - of forward. Just when you think you've heard it all, turn the page. You'll discover you haven't!
Featuring Alastair Campbell, Sir Max Hastings, Doug Stanhope and Mike Leigh.
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No Such Thing As A Free Ride? North American Edition
Tom & Simon Sykes
Published in Canada by Goose Lane, 2008
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True Sounds of Infamy
Novelette by Tom Sykes
Available in Triquorum 3
Super Fly-Tipper
Short story by Tom Sykes
Available in Small Voices, Big Confessions international anthology
Published by Edit Red
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Various short fiction available in magazines from
Fog In Channel...
Essays on the UK's relationship with Europe
Featuring Tony Benn, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Ralph Steadman and Bill Deedes.
John Bartlett
Playwright, actor and folk singer.
Patterns in the Sand: Songs by John Oke Bartlett
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