'...we like being a little bit odd, recycling, imaginary tricycling, buttons, bead and bows.
Sewing, making jewels, finding tools, incidental rhyming, surrealist miming.
Beach combing, car boot sales and charity shops...'
shop @ etsy.com
The Keyring Exhibition is Abigail Gilchrist's ongoing interactive, inclusive installation.
It deals with personal expression and common connections.
The installation consists of a neutral space filled with written key rings.
Participants are encouraged to 'please take one',in exchange they can 'please make one', being asked to write a thought that they have throughout the day, which they wouldn't normally say out loud.
CUTWELL clothing Is the official online store for all OMNIMODAmusic merchandise.
Clothing for men, women and children.
Hoodys, t-shirts and more.
Handmade wooden designs and accessories for home and garden.
Commissions welcome in hard or soft woods from purely sculptral to purely functional.
Delivery by arrangement.
Please contact us to discuss.
Indonesian-based artist, writer and educator.
Quebec-based cylindrical card designer.